Hello all, well another day down of testing... yesterday I had an adenosine stress test followed by a visit to the vein clinic. We received a tour of the area where they will be harvesting my stem cells and a brief overview of the machine that will actually be extracting the cells from me.
Today I had a cardiac cathetarization. This is the third one i have had done, so It was almost routine for me. The Cardiologist said my pressures looked good and that he was going to give the thumbs up for transplant.
Donna and I took a short tour of the Museum of Science and Industry this afternoon. This has been the only time we have had an opportunity to see a little bit of Chicago. The highlight of the afternoon was actually when we were waiting for a taxi back to the hotel... an ice cream vendor and a cab driver got into a heated argument about the prices being charged for an ice cream cone. It was something right out of Comedy Central!! At one point the ice cream vendor threatened to throw the cone at the cabbie... only in Chicago!! It has been several hours later and Donna and I still can't stop laughing about it. Tomorrow is the last day of testing. I have an MRI in the morning and a consult with the cardiac team in the afternoon. Piece of cake!!